The G.E.S. Cup:
Apes Down, Nr Calbourne.
Event Details:
The Isle of Wight Motorcycle Club’s GES Cup Trial will be held on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at Apes Down, near Calbourne. Postcode: PO30 4HS. This trial is the 3rd round of the 2025 Winter Series Trials Championship.
What 3 words location // Dares. Bill. Koala.
Your Course Setters are Andy Ryall and Wayne Brodie.
The online entry opens at 8am on Tuesday (25th February) and closes at 6pm on Saturday 1st March. No late entries will be accepted.
Simply copy and paste the Sport 80 link into your web browser – you will be redirected to the ACU’s Sport 80 entry page for this trial:
Important Reminders:
• All riders are now required to ‘sign on’ on arrival.
• Under no circumstances should any alterations be made to the sections. Any proposed changes must first be agreed with The Clerk of The Course; Nick Symes.
• In the event of sections without an observer, riders are to mark each other. Riders are not permitted to record their own scores.
• Club Rider Number Bibs must be worn. A copy of 'The Supplementary Regulations' can be seen along with the 'Confirmed Rider’ list which is available in the FORMS section of the Club website. The entry list will be updated each evening. The trial starts at 10:30 am - please do not arrive before 09:30 am. The starting of machines before 10:15 is strictly prohibited. Time limit: 4 hours, sections will close at 2:30pm.
At the Club's AGM, Club trial entry fees were discussed and were kept under review until the February Committee Meeting - There has been an increase to the Youth entry fee - which has now been set at £8.00... There is no planned increase to the Adult entry fee.
The Club has subsidised youth entry fees for many years - however with rapidly rising costs, this increase was inevitable. Club trial entry fees will be reviewed again at this year's A.G.M. in November.