

Pat Death Summer series round 3:

Limerstone farm

View ResultsUploaded 4 weeks ago

Amended results for adult easy class

Full report to follow Thank you to the landowner Mr Geoff case for the use of the Venue, the Death family for setting the trial and our observers Kate Baker, Kev Smith Richard Crickmore and John Coombs


Pat Death summer series round 2 :

Duxmore Quarry

View ResultsUploaded a month ago

Full report to follow. Thank you to the Read Family for the use of the venue and for setting the trial, Thanks to the observers, Kev smith, Kate Baker, Adrian Daish, Steve Kent, Steve Chase and Richard Crickmore


2024 Kickstart:

Newbarn Farm

View ResultsUploaded 2 months ago

Report by John Coombes.

Bright sunshine greeted the 20 riders who had signed on for the inaugural Kickstart Trial at New Barn Farm Calbourne. Kickstart is a departure from the standard motorcycle trial format and comprises of six manmade obstacles being placed around a two-lap course of just under a mile.

Obstacles included two inverted skips, a tricky combination of oil drums, two see-saws, limbo poles, long jump, and a pallet puzzle. With steep climbs and grassy slopes too the twisty nature of the course kept riders of all abilities focussed.

The morning started with a rider briefing, followed by two practice rounds over the course, with a few riders discovering just how slippery wet grass can be. Practice concluded, a superb barbeque was then hosted by Jon and Leo Death and a birthday cake presented to Club President Wayne Brodie provided by the ever-lovely Kate Baker.

Barbeque over, matters returned to The Main Event: Two runs per entrant over the two-lap course, each run being timed with sections being observed and 20 second time penalties being added to each riders score for any foul attempt of the observed sections.

Now to make the proceedings really spicy the Club President had put up substantial prize money for the three closest times to his secret course time, which was to be set by his nominated rider Mark “Wulfy” Coombes, who in turn, also kindly donated an identical prize fund himself. This prize was to be awarded to the three quickest times over the course. The results truly demonstrated a good spread of ages and abilities, with steady consistent riding paying dividends.


Fastest on time and observation – 1st place Harrison Crickmore; 2nd place Ben Ashcroft; 3rd place Sam Jurich.

The President’s 100 - 1st place Phil Chase; 2nd place Riley Baker; 3rd place Sonny Gaskin.

The Club’s thanks must go to the land owner; Chris Spence who gave the course builders full access to the venue for the two days leading up to the event: And also thanks to Jon Death for his help transporting the equipment to and from the event, course construction and dismantling, running and donating barbeque food.

Jack Ayres for the use of his storage unit for club equipment.

Mark “Wulfy” Coombes for setting the course standard time and for donating prize money.

Jason Elford for the use of his strimming equipment.

Robert Wendes for banner design and artwork.

Richard Crickmore for timekeeping.

Rob and Kate Baker for assisting with course construction, strimming, obstacle collecting, cake, tea and coffee and cold drink supply.

Harrison Crickmore for the PA system.

Vicky Crickmore for keeping the scores.

Derek Farndell for collecting the obstacles and other paraphernalia.

Tristan Osborne for the design and manufacture of the see-saws.

Observers: Giles Dinsmore, Kev Smith, Leighanne Baker and Jazz along with Richard Crickmore.

Wayne Brodie for strimming, course building and dismantling, prize money donation and event consultant.

Main Sponsors; JMD Building & Plumbing 07866 025206

And to the Social Committee for everything else (e&oe!!)

The Royal County Show display is next on the social calendar on 13th and 14th July 2024.


Pat Death summer series amended result. ACU 203332:

East view farm Roud

View ResultsUploaded 2 months ago

Report courtesy of Viki Taylor.

The 2024 Pat Death Summer Series kicked off at East View Farm, Roud and the club extends its thanks to Mr. Andrew Brown for the use of the venue. Many thanks also to the Observers who volunteered their time on Sunday to help get the club’s new digital scoring system up and running – Steve Kent, Kate Baker, John Coombes, Connor Shaw, Kev Smith, Andy Ryall, Nick Symes and Richard Crickmore.

The feedback was very positive, and the provisional results collated before Wayne and Richard had even left the venue! Thanks also to Jonathan Death for capturing the action in my absence.

Three Experts battled for honours with Tom Richards emerging the victor, dropping 9 with Adam Morgan 2nd on 14 and Daryl Biles trailing behind in 3rd on 27. Just three marks separated the top three Intermediate riders and despite a mishap in-between sections resulting in some rather nasty bruising, Shaun Harries managed to pip Freddie Death to the win by just one point with Ajay Shaw in third just two marks behind Freddie on 28.

Tristan Osborne was the sole rider to complete the trial in the Clubman competitors, finishing on 45, whilst Guy Beeson was the only Novice rider to finish, going round for a loss of 66.

Simon Strickland took top honours in the Open C group, with a blinding ride dropping only 2 marks for the lowest score of the day with Mike True coming in 2nd on a respectable 28.

Four riders managed to compete the trial in the Adult Easy class, with Dave Elford beating Steve Jacobs to first place on 27. Damien Rajasingam came in 3rd just 4 marks behind Steve on 35.

The Youth riders put in a valiant effort, Riley Baker losing 103 in the Youth Novice class, but Blake Buggy had an excellent ride to take the win in the Youth Easy dropping only 21. It was great to see the return of Bertie Grieve after a prolonged absence, who took 2nd from Leo Death in third.

The club’s next event is of course ‘Kickstart’ on Sunday 26th May at Newbarn Farm.


The Roy Groves Memorial No Nonsense Trial :

Bembridge Down

View ResultsUploaded 3 months ago

Report by Viki Taylor:

The inaugural Roy Groves No Nonsense Memorial Trial took place at Bembridge Down, with many thanks to the Taylor family for the use of this popular and challenging venue. Congratulations must go to Derek Farndell and his team of course setters, advisers, and landscapers – Rob Baker, Harrison Crickmore and John Coombes for 8 excellent sections that tried and tested the 38 entrants and also drew many compliments from the riders and spectators.

Thanks, must also go to our observers – Derek Farndell, Debs Payne, Steve Kent, Richard Crickmore, Nick Symes and Adrian Daish.

The trial was the last round of the Winter Series before the summer break and has been named in tribute to Roy Groves, Life President of the IOWMCC and a very active member/stalwart of the club for over 65 years who passed away in April 2023. Roy held almost every possible office from cup steward to Chairman and latterly of course, President. He also spent many years helping with the IOWMCC Junior Display team whose members included his sons Steve and Ian as well as a few of our current ‘veteran’ riders. Roy’s no-nonsense attitude endeared him to many and he was a huge part of the club and is sorely missed.

Three Experts battled it out for top honours with Tom Richards losing 5 compared to Adam Morgan’s 17. Will West had to settle for third, 7 marks behind Adam on 24. The quality of the sections was apparent in the overall scoring, with 10 of the 33 finishers dropping less than ten marks. Shaun Harris had an excellent ride, coming in first in the Intermediates on 2, whilst Ajay Shaw was thoroughly deserving of his 2nd place losing just 4. Freddie Death also rode well to take third with 9, leaving Harrison Crickmore 3 marks behind in 4th place. Harrison possibly rueing his unfortunate ‘collision’ with a dead tree on section 1, lap 1. Ouch!

In the Open C class, Simon Strickland had a blistering ride not dropping a single mark throughout the four laps. Geoff Taylor was runner up on 6, with Mike True in 3rd, just three marks behind on 9. Rory Stephens on his first outing with the Repsol Montesa took the top spot in the Over 50’s with the second lowest score of the day, losing just a single mark. Jon Death wasn’t far behind on 7 with John Coombes breathing down his neck just a point behind on 8.

Just two riders competed in the Novice’s with Paul Kent victorious on 18 and Connor Shaw trailing slightly behind on 29. Despite struggling somewhat on section 2, Damian Rajasingam took the victory in the Adult Easy class with 34 with Steve Jacobs taking a valiant second place on 56. Only two riders completed the trial in the Clubman class, with Tris Osborne having to bail out after suffering a puncture. Ben Ashcroft went on to take first place on a credible 17 with Alan Gosden lagging behind in second after dropping 30. In tribute to Roy, father and son Rob and George Richards (dad and brother to our current Expert champion Rob) dusted off their trials gear taking first and second in the Sportsman class with scores of 12 and 73 respectively.

The three Youth entrants took the often-tricky Bembridge terrain in their stride and battled through the sections with comparative ease. Riley Baker was the sole Youth Novice competitor, dropping 79, whilst Leo Death (voted most improved youth rider in 2023) showed his confidence taking first place in the Youth Easy class on 28, with Blake Buggy coming in second on 45.

I think I can safely say that the first' No Nonsense Memorial trial' was a resounding success which the club can be proud of, and we look forward to more of the same next year.

The next club event is of course the Awards on 27th April and the Summer Series then kicks off on May 12th. The venue is to be confirmed.


The Downend Cup :

Apes Down

View ResultsUploaded 4 months ago

Results of todays trial, full report to follow. Many thanks to Charles Ball for the use of the venue today. Also thanks to those that observed today's trial - Leighanne Baker, Wayne Brodie, Adrian Daish, Derek Farndell, Kev Smith, Nick Symes and Steve Kent.


The GES Cup :

New Barn Farm

View ResultsUploaded 5 months ago

Report by Viki Taylor.

Round 5 of the Winter Championship took place in balmy, springlike conditions at Newbarn Farm, Calbourne on Sunday March 10 th . Many thanks to Chris Spence for the use of the venue and to the team of course setters - Andy Ryall, Rob Payne and Dave Elford.

Much appreciation also goes to the day’s Observers - Richard Crickmore, Nick Symes, Kev Smith, Geoff Taylor, Andy Ryall and Wayne Brodie.

The duel for the Expert crown continues with Tom Richards coming out on top over Adam Morgan, losing only 2 to Adam’s 37. The new GasGas is obviously agreeing with Tom! Jim West took top spot in the Intermediate class on 20 with just a single point separating Harrison Crickmore (29) and Rory Stephens (30) in 2nd and 3rd places. Shaun Harris came in 6 marks behind Rory.

In the Over 50s, Jon Death took the victory over John Coombes with 43 whilst Paul Kent was the sole finisher in the Novice class, taking 10 championship points.

Four riders competed for the win in the Adult Easy, with Damian Rajasingam coming in first on 5, the second lowest score of the day. Dave Elford and John Gustar took 2nd and 3rd spots with respective scores of 14 and 23. Tristan Osborne took the win in the Clubman group with 41, beating Alan Gosden on 56 and Mike True on 66.

Three Youth riders competed today with Riley Baker finding it tough going at times in the Youth Novice to finish on 113, whilst Leo Death was victorious in the Youth Easy class on a very credible 13. Blake Buggy came in runner-up on 20.

The next round of the winter championship is the Downend Cup, which takes place on March 24th.


The Jeffries Cup :

Shorwell Chalk Pit

View ResultsUploaded 5 months ago

Results of todays trial. Many thanks to Ralph Cook for the use of the venue today. Also thank you to Nick Symes, Kev Smith, Leighanne Baker, Dave Elford and Steve Kent for observing on a wet and windy day! Full report to follow.


The Novice and Expert Cup - Amended results 7/2/24:

Knighton Sand Pit

View ResultsUploaded 5 months ago

Report by Viki Taylor.

Round 3 of the Winter series saw a return to Knighton sandpit in overcast conditions. The club extends its thanks to landowner Roger Morgan once again for the use of this popular venue. We are also very appreciative of the efforts of our observers – Leighanne Baker, Richard Crickmore, Adrian Daish, Steve Kent and Kev Smith.

Six riders took on the challenge of the Expert route with the welcome return of Jim West rejoining brother Will in the top class. Current champion Tom Richards should be pleased with his score of 34 after tackling the excellent but sometimes tricky sections set by Adam and Ben Morgan and Darryl Biles. Adam just got the better of Darryl coming in second on 60.

Top spot in the Intermediates was a closely fought battle with just one mark separating Freddie Death in first on 68 from runner-up Ajay Shaw. Harrison Crickmore also rode well to take third with 77. Simon Strickland returned from an injury break to take the win in the Open C class with 26, the second lowest score of the day. Last week’s victor, Geoff Taylor had to settle for second place on 64.

Andy Scott-Jackson was the sole finisher in the Over 50s, whilst Connor Shaw took maximum championship points in the Novice class. Over in Adult Easy Guy Beeson had an impressive ride taking the win with 24, the lowest score of the day whilst just ten points separated Dave Elford in second from Damien Rajasingam in third. Alan Gosden was the only Clubman competing today finishing on 105, whilst Tristan Osborne was the lone Sportsman to complete this challenging trial.

In the Youth Novice class, Riley Baker earned himself another ten championship points whilst Leo Death continues to impress with his gaining confidence, dropping only 45 in the Youth Easy.

The next round is the Jeffries Cup which takes place at Shorwell Chalkpit on Sunday 18th February.


The Mercury Cup :

Haslett Sandpit

View ResultsUploaded 6 months ago

Report by Viki Taylor.

The second round of the 2024 Winter series took place at Haslett sandpit on January 21st courtesy of landowner Glenn Draper. Incoming Storm Isha didn’t deter the 31 riders who braved the rather more blustery than usual conditions at this challenging sandy venue. Many thanks to the course setters Rob Baker, Sam Jurich and Mike True and to our observers Kate Baker, Leighanne Baker, Alfie Haydon, Steve Kent and Kev Smith.

The club was delighted to see the return of Will West, a former Expert champion and Two Day winner after a break of almost 5 years. Will rode magnificently to tie for first place with current Expert champion Tom Richards, with neither rider dropping a mark. Adam Morgan came a close second losing only 5. Rory Stephens once again took the top spot in the Intermediates with an impressive score of 4. Only six marks behind was Ajay Shaw on 10, whilst Harrison Crickmore was hot on AJ’s heels losing 12 in third.

In the Open C, after bike issues at Sweetwater, Geoff Taylor also made his return to trials after a prolonged summer break, taking the win from Phil Chase and dropping just 11 marks. Andy Scott-Jackson rode solo in the Over 50 class, taking another 10 championship points with a score of 18, whilst Paul Kent had a very consistent trial to take the Novice win over Luke Jacobs who just pipped Derek Farndell to second place by a single mark.

Competition in the Adult Easy was very closely fought with just three marks separating the top three riders. Dave Elford came in first on 20 from Damien Rajasingam in third place on 23. Steve Jacobs will be pleased to have just taken second from Damien losing 22. It was Alan Gosden’s turn to emerge victorious in the Clubman class dropping a measly 3 on his Fantic with Ben Ashcroft not far behind in second with 10. Sam Jurich was tied on 20 with father-in-law Mike True, but Sam took third spot with an extra clean over Mike. The club’s most senior competitor, octogenarian John Townsend was the sole Sportsman class rider on his veteran Triumph.

Four youth members competed , with Riley Baker riding alone in the Youth Novice with a loss of 93, whilst Blake Buggy took the win in the Youth Easy class over the increasingly confident Leo Death but only by 2 marks.

The 3rd round of the Winter Series, the Novice and Expert Cup takes place at Knighton Sandpit on Sunday 4th February.

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