New Observer Incentive Scheme

7 years ago • 12/10/2017Posted by Wayne Brodie

New Observer incentive..... The Committee have approved a new incentive scheme to try to attract more Observers. This scheme will run from now until the end of the year in the first instance, a trial period if you like. The Club will make a £10 cash payment to each Observer at every trial, this will be reviewed at the January Committee Meeting. Observers will still be considered to be volunteers, so please continue to treat them with every respect. The new payment should be seen as a contribution towards their expenses only..... It has been mooted around the Club by some members that they would be more than happy if the trial entry fee was increased in order to cover this extra cost. However if the entry fee were to be increased but we still struggle to attract Observers, members would soon feel they are being made to pay extra without any real benefit..... We will be inviting riders to make a voluntary donation towards the new ‘Observer fund’ at signing on at each trial during this initial period – Club funds will be used to make up any shortfall. If this helps us to attract regular Observers then an increase in entry fee may be discussed in January..... The Committee welcomes any feedback or alternative ideas from the membership during this initial period, so please let us know what you think..... There are minimum age restrictions set down by the ACU for Observers, please contact me (Wayne) if you need any further information regarding young helpers - before bringing them along to Observe.