News from the 2024 A.G.M.

3 months ago • 22/11/2024Posted by Wayne Brodie

Unfortunately, the attendance at this year’s AGM was considerably lower than that of last year! Many thanks to those that were able to be there.

Therefore, it’s important that news from the AGM is published more widely.

The Secretary’s Report and the Treasures Report were very well received. The Secretary's report can be seen in the 'FORMS' section of this website.

The Club made a very modest profit throughout the 2023/24 accounting period – which is exactly where we want to be. The Committee’s aim is always to keep the sport of trials, as near to cost price as possible, for the Membership.

However, with the inevitable rising costs associated with our sport - it is very likely that an increase in trial entry fees will be put in place during 2025! The Committee is awaiting the outcome of the Southern Centre’s discussion regarding the reintroduction of a ‘Centre Levy’ (expected towards the end of January) before any decision on possible increases are made.

Any such increases will be discussed at the February Committee Meeting and will not come into effect until March next year.

The majority of the existing committee members were voted to continue in post for the next 12 months. An updated list of the current Committee Members is available (under the ‘FORMS’ tab) on the Club’s website.

There were, however, two exceptions. John Coombes and Rory Stephens. Both have stepped down as Committee Members. On behalf of the Club - I thank them for their lengthy and productive work on the committee over the years.

On a more positive note, I would like to congratulate Kevin Smith on becoming Clubman of the year. After sustaining a significant injury during a club trial, which then prevented him from riding Kev instead turned out at almost every subsequent trial to observe – and asked for his ‘Observer Expense Payments’ to be put back into Club funds. Kev also continued to observe soon after major surgery too! Thankfully Kev has now made a full recovery from his injury and surgery, and he is now finally back on his bike again.

Other topics covered included the obvious reduction in entries to Club trials since the challenging 2024 Wight Two Day Trial. It was pointed out that on average, our numbers are still good, and still consistent with recent years - however, there is no doubt that entries have fallen markedly recently!

There was a suggestion that we could stage a trial designed specifically to give our less experienced riders a bit of a confidence boost. The trial would be scheduled to take place during our less busy summer months.

Riders would be paired (at random) with an experienced rider. There would be 2 routes - the experienced rider takes on the harder route and the less experienced rider tackles the easier route. Their combined scores will be added together to create an aggregate total.

The idea being that the more experienced rider can help provide the less experienced rider with advice, including lines & technique etc.

Both of these topics will be discussed by the Committee at our December & January meetings - but we are also asking for your feedback please. Get in touch guys - it’s easy to do!

It’s very important that we don’t waste any time on stuff that isn’t going to be supported.