Bembridge/Knighton Slash and Burn!

2 months ago • 25/7/2024Posted by Wayne Brodie

Sunday August the 4th is the Club's first Slash, Burn and Learn days at Bembridge Downs. Knighton's Slash, Burn and Learn is on the Saturday17th of August.

Pictured is last year's incredible response to the clubs "shout out" to help clear the vegetation for the course setters "3 hours tops" must be a world record. So to explain the day.

1) Cut out and clear section areas, if you have gardening equipment that you can bring along, fab!

2) Tea/Coffee/Cold drinks and a burger or hot dog..maybe both.

3) Spend the afternoon riding practise sections until 4pm.

4) It's free!!!

Please contact John Coombes to book your space. 07541 043018 or email: [email protected].

The Cub will be supplying 2 strimmers to supplement members own equipment. Please don't forget your own PPE, IE gloves & safety glass's.