Your Club Needs You!

2 weeks ago • 2/9/2024Posted by Wayne Brodie

Hi all - important appeal for Observers to attend the Club's flagship event 'The Wight Two Day Trial', this coming weekend, 7th & 8th September. John has asked me to re publish his words. His phone is not as active as he'd hoped regarding offers of help!

Before I do that, to be fair, I am also really disappointed with the lack of response too. A Club of our size should easily be able to cover the shortfall. I am appealing to our Club members, who are not riding, to step up & be counted.

Your Club needs you!

There are 15 sections planned for each day - to be blunt about it - if we only have 9 observers then the trial will be restricted to 9 sections.

John's words:

"The club needs observers for this year's Two Day Trial on the 7th and 8th of September. We will be running an observer refresher course and for any people that haven't observed before, a training workshop to enable them become part of the team. The venue is Northwood Show Ground 490 Newport Rd Cowes. PO31 8QU . The time 7pm Wednesday 4th September Please contact John 07541 043018 to book up."