Notice of A.G.M. 2024

8 hours ago • 17/10/2024Posted by Wayne Brodie

The 2024 Club AGM will take place at 8pm on Wednesday 13th November at the Camphill Community Sports Club, Quarry View, Newport, PO30 5ZA. What 3 Words: Hurls.Putty.Regulator. All Club members are being encouraged to attend!

Only fully paid-up Club members can attend, except for the parents of youth members and spouses of adult members. Parents & Spouses are not eligible to stand for election or to take part in any voting.

There will be a short Committee meeting for existing Committee Members immediately prior to AGM, starting at 7:30pm.

This is your chance to meet those that work hard behind the scenes and to get an insight into just how and why decisions are made. The Club accounts are made available at AGM for all attendees to scrutinise – see how your Club funds have been used and have the opportunity to say how you would like funds to be used or suggest new projects.

It is at this meeting where all the Officers and Committee Members are put in place for the next 12 months – maybe you would like to put yourself forward for one of those important positions or join the Committee without taking on a specific role? This is your chance to get involved and have a real say on what happens in 2025. Votes will be held for all positions where there is more than one candidate. A list of all the current Officers/Committee Members is available from the ‘Forms’ section of this Club website.

If you would like an item discussed at the meeting (Any Other Business) you will need to submit the details in writing, which must be received by the Club Secretary, by Wednesday 6th November.

Email the details to Kate Baker, IOWMCC Secretary: [email protected]

This is also your chance to nominate and/or vote for the coveted Club Member of the year – but you must be at the meeting! If you have a nomination - you should be prepared to state, the reasons why your nominee should be considered. In the event of more than one nomination a ballot will take place. Only members present at the meeting are eligible to vote.

If time permits, there will be an informal open forum, after AGM for members to make suggestions or put forward ideas to help the Club progress into 2025.